Post-marketing Surveillance (PMS)

After product launch, PMS monitors serve as the professional observers of product lifecycles, by combining the use results information retrieved from the end users (physicians) of medicinal products. RPM takes the key position through close communication with hospitals and clinics nationwide, to collect real-world data with a whole picture of safety and DM evidence that provides clues to guide drug developers to expanded market access and new therapies where unmet medical needs remain unsolved.


PMS monitors actively contribute to reliable clinical evidence. RPM has two hub stations in Tokyo and Osaka to cover end users of hospitals/clinics nationwide.

Advantages What RPM provides

  • Flexible service with hybrid system (in-house or outsourcing staff allocatioin)
  • Seamless operations (Case card collection, statistical analysis, preparation of annual report, re-examination readiness)
  • Efficiency of medical representatives' works
  • Speedy and quality-driven operations

PMS business flow

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